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We Read Your Stuff

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Laura Shell

Editor-in-Chief. Lover of all things horror. Even has a pair of JAWS shoes. 

​Has been published countless times in various literary magazines. Her first anthology of horror/paranormal stories, titled The Canine Collection, was released in 2024. A prolific writer and submitter of horror flash fiction, she lives with her husband of 35 years and her schnoodle, Groot.

Pam Metz

Assistant Editor, Pam has a degree in English, which comes in handy. 


She too loves all things horror and she knows a good horror story when she reads it. 


In all aspects of Pam's life, she does not put up with any crap. The end.

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Terry Strait
Terry is our Lead Reader. She knows what Laura and Pam are looking for in a horror story. If she can't picture what your selling in her mind, then submit something else. 

She lives with some guy and a dog in a house.


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