Submissions Are Open
*We accept UNPUBLISHED horror stories of up to 1,000 words in English from writers worldwide.
*We accept UNPUBLISHED micros of 100 words, not including the title, in English from writers worldwide.
*We do not pay writers but plan to pay in the new year.
*We DO NOT accept any written work created by AI. *DON'T CHEAT!*
*Submit your story through ​​Submittable. We offer a 24-hour response for $5.
*Please include a cover letter with a BRIEF bio, including some of your proudest publication achievements. If you've never been published before, no big deal. We welcome newbies as well as seasoned writers.
*Stories must be double-spaced, 12pt. DO NOT indent paragraphs.
*We accept simultaneous submissions but immediately withdraw your story if accepted elsewhere.
*Send one story at a time, please.
*Make sure your story is free of grammatical errors. ​
*Story of the Month will be posted in its own special area on the site and feature an interview with the winning writer. How cool is that?
Flash Phantoms acquires First North American Serial Rights and First Electronic Rights. All rights revert to the writer 30 days after publication. Contributors agree to credit Flash Phantoms if the work is subsequently reproduced online or in print after 30 days.