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About Flash Phantoms

Ghost in foggy forest

Welcome to Flash Phantoms

Flash Phantoms is dedicated to bringing you the best HORROR stories of 1,000 words or less. Make them edgy right from the get-go and end with a bang. We don't like to be bored with a lot of exposition.

We also accept Micro Fiction Horror of 100 words.

We don't care who you are; we don't discriminate. Send us your best, your worst, your weirdness, and your horror.

Flash Phantoms was created for the love of flash horror fiction. It started out as a three-woman team, but we've already expanded!


We hope to pay our writers at some point in the coming year. 

We feature a Story of the Month in its own special area on the site, and post an interview with the winning writer. Drop us a line to let us know what you think of this site, our concept...the color of our eyes...whatever...

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